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От L5 до L9 в Google

Преамбула: Не мое. Попал на интересный комментарий на блайнде, естественно анонимный и ссылки по большому счету нет. Context: I grew to L9 internally within Google. Impact sounds cool, but in reality it's more about responsibility and scope vs just impact. Eg. You could be an amazing L6 improving massive parts of an important Google product, but that does not mean you are ready to take on the responsibility of being a director. So what does it mean to be able to handle each of these levels? There are obviously many flavours of it but here is a very coarse summary: L5: You own and guide problems within the team. There is some cross team impact. Usually you are the go to person within the team both internally and externally. For larger teams it could be an area within a team vs the entire scope of the team. Usually a TL at this point but there are some folks who might take over management. L6 engineering manager: it's now your job to run a good team. That means getting the right ...

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